Finding the information you need about grants and funding for home adaptations in Herefordshire can be frustrating. In our ongoing efforts to make as much information available in this article we cover the Disabled Facilities Grant process, including eligibility, the application process and the other options available for those who might not be eligible.
At GB Electrical & Building Services Ltd, we feel the DFG grant is one of the best ways to make home adaptations something that many people within the county can benefit from.
The DFG grant, important things to know
We’ve published a range of resources on our website, aimed not only at those looking for information about the DFG grant in Herefordshire, but for anyone anywhere in England. You can find the in-depth article here.
As you can see, it covers the following important points:
- The Disabled Facilities Grant aims to enable people to remain in their own homes by helping towards making them more accessible
- The DFG grant is means-tested
- It can be applied for if you are living in a property owned by a Housing Association or other registered provider
- The application process involves an assessment of your needs by an Occupational Therapist
- You can check your eligibility for the DFG grant here
If you apply successfully, the Disabled Facilities Grant can help to pay for a range of things to make your home more accessible, such as:
- Stairlifts for your home
- Wet room conversions
- Shower & bathroom adaptations including non-slip flooring
- Ramps and grab rails to enable easier access and safer mobility
- Widening of doorways to allow for wheelchair access
Options for those who aren’t eligible for funding
There are of course going to be people who already know they aren’t eligible or those who have tried, and failed to get the financial support they need. If that’s the case, then there are still other funding options out there. We have covered some of those options too in this article.
Other potential funding information sources include:
- A site with up to date information regarding help from trusts and charities
- The SSAFA An organisation dedicated to support armed forces veterans
- A website where you can search for disability adaptation grants In Herefordshire by entering your postcode
- Community Care A list of charities who provide grants for eligible people
Remember, if you aren’t eligible for the Disabled Facilities Grant; don’t worry because it is just one of a range of options. Home adaptations and wet rooms have never been more accessible and we do everything we possibly can to help.
GB Home Adaptations tailored to your needs
We can tailor a wet room, bathroom adaptations or any other home modification to your unique needs, that includes specifications and also budgets. We have a dedicated team in place to do exactly that and they have over 30 years of experience in making positive changes to the lives of those who thought such changes were simply out of their price range.
Our reputation has been built over many years serving the housing associations and local councils of Herefordshire, organisations who work within strict budgetary constraints but who need the best quality and the highest standards.
We undertake work on behalf of Herefordshire Council’s You at Home agency which manages the process of providing access to Disabled Facilities Grant funding.
Our reputation has also seen us undertaking work in other counties, such as Powys where, since we have carried out internal and external adaptations works for Powys Care & Repair agency.
How to apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)
Finding the information you need about grants and funding in Herefordshire can be frustrating and time consuming, for our local area the grant is administered by the council’s ‘You At Home’ agency, they can be reached on the following websites and telephone numbers:
- You At Home; Home Improvement Agency 01432 260757
- ART – Adult Referral Team Herefordshire Council Disabled Facilities Grant 01432 260101
If you are considering bathroom adaptations or other modifications to your home, you can also get in touch with our friendly, professional team by clicking here or calling us directly on 01432 272188 to discuss your needs.